Jack came to the football field in a hurry. 在上半场结束时,杰克才匆忙赶到足球场。
It was Johnny Depp with Jack who discovered a new field for movies. 正是约翰民·德普和杰克开辟了电影界一个全新领域。
Jack is not simply a field personnel for me to track. 他的安全对我来说比任何都重要,这次任务却不是这样。
As Jack got ready to kick a field goal, the result of the game hung by a hair. 杰克准备好要射门时,比赛正好进行到千钧一发的关键时刻。
As Jack drives away from the oil field, Andre Drazen calls him on the cell phone and instructs him to head for Palmer's hotel. 杰克驾车离开了油田,安德烈。德拉赞打到他的手机上,提示他开车去帕默所在的酒店。
Jack and Mason follow their handheld GPS to the address, and they are lead into a Saugus field. 杰克和梅森通过他们手持的全球定位仪器,来到了那个地址,结果这里只是一片位于索格斯的旷野。
However, Jack Lissauer, a theoretical astrophysicist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffet Field, California, is much more optimistic. 然而,加州莫菲特场市美国国家航空航天管理局艾姆斯研究中心的理论天体物理学家杰克·利索尔对此要乐观得多。
In this paper, we propose a generalized mixed spin model on the union jack lattice. The mean field. 本文提出了一种UnionJack晶格上推广的混合自旋模型。